Wednesday, September 21, 2011


notice past tense. were. holy smokes, these cookies are SO tasty. seriously get off your computer and go make these right now! i am taking these to Colleen's cute apartment tomorrow night for dinner and hopefully everyone's socks will be blown off under the dinner table. i know mine were. maybe even a couple more articles of clothing, yowzers! ps. just kidding. nothing but the socks. ps numero dos.. i apologize for the poor quality of photos. my nikon is a little under the weather- not that i can use that as an excuse, because i always post iphone photos. baby steps, people.


  1. they look mighty tasty! how's about me and linds come to your house and we'll bring the holm goodie bars and you whip us up some of these cookies and we have a taste off. oh, and hang out too :)
