Tuesday, September 27, 2011

autumn is here.

if you know me at all you know that i LOVE the fall.  some may even say that I am slightly obsessed.  there is just something about the coziness, the crisp weather, the soup, the outfits, the candles burning in your house, the pumpkins, the leaves crunching beneath your feet, the honeycrisp apples, pears, pomegranates, and being outside that brings a grin, errr maybe a giant huge smile to my face.
the adams' household has alot of fun celebrating to do over the next few weeks... we are celebrating my dad's 60th birthday this weekend, my firm gives us a half day off for opening day of the state fair, a certain family that i LOVE is moving here, another sweet gal JUST moved here, my sweet niece's (2nd!) birthday is tomorrow, and austin and i celebrate four (WOAH!) years of marriage in just a couple of weeks. so, fall is off to a great start with lots of celebrating and enjoyment of the ones we lurrrrv.
even though the weather in big d is at a "crisp" 96 degrees i will pretend in my head that it is bundling up weather. a girl can dream, right?!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


notice past tense. were. holy smokes, these cookies are SO tasty. seriously get off your computer and go make these right now! i am taking these to Colleen's cute apartment tomorrow night for dinner and hopefully everyone's socks will be blown off under the dinner table. i know mine were. maybe even a couple more articles of clothing, yowzers! ps. just kidding. nothing but the socks. ps numero dos.. i apologize for the poor quality of photos. my nikon is a little under the weather- not that i can use that as an excuse, because i always post iphone photos. baby steps, people.

Sunday, September 18, 2011


a couple of things I have made around the casa as of late... my dad's father's day card (forever ago, i know),  a gray felt valance for our front door- first we frosted it, then hung this over it- i love how the light comes through it, and a little banner for a great friend who found out she's having a babe... also get excited- i am making some cookies this afternoon and they are looking pretty stellar- you have to refrigerate them for 24-36 hours...I'll let ya know how they turn out... recipe here...