Monday, December 6, 2010

where we stay {christmas edition}

christmas at the adams abode officially started today. its super cozy around here.  the hubs & i had the best day together (the whole day!) we went to breakfast, did some shopping, chilled at home & decorated, went to dinner, cleaned a little, and just enjoyed a day of togetherness :) i got a nativity scene recently and i love it. officially knocked something else off the list:) i just made the garland on our mantel and im really pleased with it. thanks to the best mama and the best seester for helping me out with it! i also really like the first tree for two reasons: (1) its vintage-esque and (2) it was my mamas, so it reminds me of my sweet parentals. We are trying to focus around here on our Savior and what the season is really about. I read an article by Rob Bell on the advent season and thought this was really cool:
And so each December, we enter into a season of waiting, expecting, longing. Spirit meets us in the ache.
We ask God to enter into the deepest places of cynicism, bitterness and hardness where we have stopped believing that tomorrow can be better than today.
We open up. We soften up. We turn our hearts in the direction of that day. That day when the baby cries His first cry and we, surrounded by shepherds and angels and everybody in between, celebrate that sound in time that brings our Spirits what we’ve been longing for.
For the full article, go here.